Victor Veliz Portfolio


Frenzied reimagining of the classic rock, paper, scissors

Year: 2021

Client: Humita Games (personal project)

Platform: Android, iOS, PC, Play Station, XBOX, Nintento Switch

Tasks: Art Director, Illustrator, Animator, UI Designer

Techniques: Digital Painting

Category: Games



A video game where the player must face opponents in a fast-paced game of rock, paper, scissors on each floor of an endless tower, striving to climb as high as possible.

As the art director for JanKenUP!, I led the creative team to bring the game’s vibrant world to life. I created the majority of the graphical assets, including character designs, animations, user interface, and illustrations.

My role also involved crafting a cohesive visual style while collaborating with talented artists and personalities, particularly from Chile’s local creative scene.

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